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1. The greatest enemy in your life without Scripture is yourself. The self hates Scripture. Yahusha said the self is useless and must be destroyed otherwise you have no deliverance.

2. The self is explained as the spirit that is in your flesh. Have you faced that you have a spirit living in your flesh? Paul said the flesh is against the Spirit and your spirit is against the spirit that is in your flesh.

3. The spirit that is in your flesh, Scripture describes it as the Abomination of Desolation. Satan wants the hearts and minds of humanity so they never discover Yahusha’s deliverance in His Word.

4. The self comes about as the spirit in your flesh (pretending to be you) telling you to accept mindsets of the worlds knowledge and behaviour, entrapping you from truth and freedom.

5. Once the spirit in your flesh has you deceived (that it is living in you and you think it is you) then your real spirit becomes locked up in confusion and suffering. No truth takes your life.

6. Because humanity doesn’t believe in evil spirits and the world is the field, Satan has planted many weeds to destroy mankind in these last days through deceit of the mind. No Scripture - no life!

7. Scripture says the life is in the blood. Our life is sin-stained on its way to destruction. The blood of Yahusha will cleanse and revitalise our blood, giving us new life that is eternal.

8. Because humanity refuses to believe in evil spirits they have been possessed by evil entities, creating the many forms of violence surrounding them. Yahusha offers deliverance to free you.

9. Imagine being washed clean with no more deceit in your being and the spirit living in your flesh has departed so you feel peace and love. Yahusha is the only One who can get rid of unclean spirits.

10. Scripture calls the spirit in your flesh THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION which wants to destroy humanity. It is as real as your toes (but in spirit form) and through thoughts it invades your body, taking over!

11. It is essential to know Scripture to combat this wicked evil spirit. With the state of humanity today what chance do children have? Now you know what is happening with them: wicked evil spirits.

12. Many are starting to realise the power of demons today and are seeking the spiritual door of the narrow-gate which leads you to deliverance and the end of the possession of the deceitful SELF.

13. There is no deliverance if you don’t know Yahusha as Alahim and have the Baptism of Spirit and Fire. Spirit-Baptism makes you a spiritual person (alive to His Word) and brings you into His realm.

14. The Baptism of Fire will destroy the self and cleanses you of all unrighteousness, making you a New-Creation-Being and washed in the water of the Word is the fulfilment of John’s Water-Baptism.

15. Humanity has missed what John said. They walked right past it! YAHUSHA ONLY BAPTISES IN SPIRIT AND FIRE, which means NO MORE WATER-BAPTISM. Yahusha fulfilled that in His own Baptism. Yahusha never baptised anyone in water, He only Baptised in Spirit and Fire. What is the most important Baptism to humanity? WATER BAPTISM, fully missing the point (even baptising babies).

16. In these last days (as prophesied) the spirit of the Abomination of Desolation is seated in the holy-place (our body is the Temple): the hearts and minds of humanity is where this evil is seated.

17. Humanity and their plans for themselves are crumbling around them, violence in all its forms is dominant. Truly the time for Yahusha’s return is soon eminent. Yahusha is Alahim!!!!

18. A man or woman unaware of Yahusha and His Word (who thinks that he is himself and has no idea of the spirit in his flesh) are persons deceived and unaware of what they were created for. Blind guides!



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