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Understanding Matthew 24 & the Signs of Times

When we read Matthew 24 we see it’s the most mis-understood and misinterpreted chapter because people have interpreted it carnally to show the events mentioned in it. We hear all sorts of things like a secret rapture, one world anti-messiah, world war, pandemic etc. While people crossed-over to the Hebrew-Movement view it as an accomplished text looking back at AD 70 when Rome destroyed the Jewish temple, and the Jews were scattered to the ends of the earth. Yet others of these Hebrew and Christian denominations believe 1948 as the gathering back of the Jews to their land where they would build a 3rd Temple where the anti-messiah will sit ruling, and then Matthew 24 events begin inserting the Millennial rule of 1000 years of Messiah Yahusha.  While we won't get into what people believe, we must visit the verses in open-mindedness to see and decode the text. Please note that verse by verse will not be covered in this study but I will make sure a foundation is laid so that the next time you read these passages you will get a clarity on the signs of times these events take place in a scripture vs scripture comparison.

MATT 24:1-2 “And Yahusha went out from the Temple to go on His way, and His disciples approached Him to show Him the buildings of the Temple. And Yahusha  answered and said to them, ‘Do you see all these things? Truly, I say to you, there shall not remain here one stone upon another stone that shall not be torn down.’”

We begin by understanding the Disciples approached Yahusha to show Him the buildings of the Temple. The buildings plural is referred to as the domes inside the two gates to the temple mount, the place He made for mikveh (the Jewish religious bath), outbuildings, courts etc. Yahusha says not one stone will be left upon the other. Its destruction completely with no temple shows the reference was to the Second Temple and not a third temple which is not yet built. 

MATT 24:3 ”He sat down on the Mount of the Zeythim (Olives), His Disciples approached Him alone, and said, ‘Tell us please: When shall this be, and what is the sign of Your coming, and the sign of the end of the age?’” 

The Disciples asked Him the sign of His coming and the sign of the end of the age. This is where the confusion lies because Yahusha spoke of a series of events pin-pointing to the signs of His nearness and end of the age.

End of the age:

Both the Hebrew and the Greek words show us that the Disciples asked Yahusha the 'latter course summing up to the end'. They were asking for 'SIGN' i.e. sign of His coming & 'SIGN' of a 'latter course summing up to the end'.

MATT 24:4 “And Yahusha answered and said to them, ‘Beware, lest one misleads you. For many shall come in My name, saying, ‘I am He that is the Messiah,’ and they shall mislead many.’” 

The sign would begin when many shall come showing an exposition of 'WHO THE MESSIAH IS'. They would misrepresent Him. It doesn't mean someone would claim that he himself is the Messiah (from where we see Christianity and Hebrew circles teaching the one man ruling anti-messiah doctrine referring to 2 Thess 2 where Paul the emissary speaks explicitly of the man of sin to be revealed, the son of destruction).

2 THESS 2:1-4 “Behold, we ask you, my brothers, with regard to the coming of our Master Yahusha the Messiah and our gathering together to Him, that is not quickly to be shaken in knowledge and that is not to be alarmed, neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter, such as the extension from us, saying, the day of Messiah has come. Let no man in any way deceive you, for it shall not come unless the falling away is to come first, and the man of sin is to be revealed, the son/ben of destruction/who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called Al or that is served, for he also sits in the of the Alahim, as Alahim, presenting himself that He is Alahim”.

Firstly, Paul the emissary is also speaking about the time of the coming of our Master Yahusha and our gathering to Him, which will not happen until the falling away comes first, revealing the man of sin. Paul is referring to the end time Assemblies and not to a 2nd or 3rd Jewish Temple. Remember in Rev 9 it speaks of the 'deep well' from which the hordes of Sheol came darkening the sun, and that 'deep well' had a king over them whose name in Hebrew is 'Abaddon and in Greek his name is 'Apolyon'. 2 Thess 2:3 ‘apoleia' G684 is rooted in G623 'Apolyon' where 'apoleia' means 'destruction' and 'Apolyon' means 'destroyer.' And this is in reference to Satan and people occupying the place that has been handed over to him. Hence, Paul represents him as the 'man of sin' who says ''I am He that is the Messiah" (Matt 24:5).

REV 9:11 “And they have a king over them, the messenger of the abyss, whose name in Ibrith (Hebrew) is Abaddon, and in Yuanith (Greek) he has the name Apolyon”

MATT 24:6 “But you shall ultimately hear/ (Hebrew: shamoa, Greek: akou) of wars and hearing/ (Hebrew: shamoth, Greek: akoe) of wars. Beware, lest you become alarmed, for surely all of this shall happen, but it is still not the end. For one nation shall rise against another nation, and one kingdom against another kingdom, and there shall be famine and disease and earthquakes here and there. The English has translated 'shamoth' as 'rumors' whereas 'shama' means 'hear'.  The Greek word 'akoe G189' & 'akouo' G191 also means hear/hearing. So it should read: 'Wars and hearing of wars'. The Hebrew word for war is 'milchamah' H4421 from H3898 'lacham' which means 'fight' & the same word 'lacham' means 'bread'. Hence, we understand it spiritually as 'war of breads', a physical and a spiritual bread. Now you will say ‘brother you are spiritualizing the text!’ But look at the next verse which will define what I am saying:

MATT 24:7 “For one nation shall rise against another nation, and one kingdom against another kingdom..."

GEN 25:22 "But the children struggled together in her womb; and she said, If it is so, why then am I this way? So, she went to inquire of Yahuah".

GEN 25:23 “Yahuah said to her, two nations are in your womb; and two peoples shall be separated from your body; And one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the older shall serve the younger”. 

Wasn't Rebecca told that 2 nations are in her womb as she went to enquire after she had a terrible experience of the children struggling in her womb? Who were the 2 nations? Esau and Jacob. We all know the story of Esau selling his birthright to Jacob for a morsel of food and termed as a 'fornicator' in Heb 12:16 because 'fornication' is sinning against one's own body (1 COR 6: 18-19). The sinning against our own body is related to the 'firstborn blessing' which Esau despised and lost it to  Jacob. A misrepresentation of Messiah Yahusha is despising Him and His firstborn blessing, so this would label you as a 'fornicator'.

MATT 24:8 “But all these are only the beginning of birth pangs.”

The 'war of breads' (physical vs spiritual) and the two nations rising against each other (physical vs spiritual) all sum up to birth pangs. The Covenant Yisharal depicted as being clothed with the sun, moon (under her feet) and crown of 12 stars (Rev 12:1) was seen in birth pangs of giving birth to the man-child. The Hebrew word for birth pangs is 'chabalyam’ which is the same word used in Rev 12:2 translated as 'birth pangs'.


REV 12:2 “And she is being with child cried out in birth pangs, and in agony of giving birth.

GAL 4:19 “My children, with whom I travail in birth pangs (Hebrew: chabalay & Greek: odino) until the Messiah is formed in you”.

Paul the emissary had the travailing in his being as 'birth pangs' until Messiah is formed in the Disciples. Not only Paul the emissary, but even we have the same yearning of Messiah being formed in us, where we grow to the full stature of Him. Yahusha says these are beginning of birth pangs, pointing to the womb where the baby is nourished and at the same time in struggle with the other twin in the womb. Then in Matthew 24 Yahusha lets us know that for His sake, His disciples will be hated, killed, many will stumble, betray his neighbor, man will hate his brother, false prophets will arise and mislead many, love of many will grow cold, but he who endures to the end will be saved.  He also lets us know that the end will come only after the good news of the kingdom shall be proclaimed in all the earth as a testimony to all the nations.

MATT 24:13-14 “But the one who endures until the time of the end, he shall be saved. And this good news of the kingdom shall be proclaimed in all the earth as testimony to all the nations, and afterward, the end shall come. Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken by Daniel the prophet, standing in the set-apart place, let the reader understand,”

Abomination of Desolation:

MATT 24:15 “Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken by Dani’El the prophet, standing in the set-apart place, let the reader understand, then let the men who are in Yahudah flee to the mountains, and whoever is on the field must not return to get anything from his house. And let him who is in the field not turn back to carry away his garment.”

Many interpret Abomination of Desolation spoken by Daniel the prophet to mean as stated in the book of Maccabees where the abominable image was set up by Antiochus 4 Epiphanes (Greek ruler) inside the temple, as a result the daily sacrifices were stopped until the temple was re-dedicated and cleansed. This has historically taken place before the birth of Yahusha, but Yahusha is showing us it is a futuristic prophecy which needs to be understood as Matt 24:15 says "...let the reader understand''. Hence, we must understand the prophecy based on 'latter course summing up to the end'. Furthermore, Yahusha says in Matt 24:16 "then let the men who are in Judah flee to the mountains."

This will not make sense if you are positionally believing that the 'Abomination of Desolation' event took place around 165 years before Messiah was born in this world. It will also not make sense to believe that it spoke of the Herod's temple which was destroyed by the Romans in AD 70 i.e. after Messiah. It doesn't sum up because the temple veil was torn when Messiah died indicating that Alahym is no longer dwelling in a man-made temple, the New Covenant states that we are the Temple of Alahym and His Spirit dwells in us.

Hence, we must understand it in a futuristic perspective as the Disciples warned of the falling away which will be coming ahead after they are dead. If Judah in Matt 24:16 has to be taken literally, then what about all those beyond the Jordan i.e. in Galilee who also believed in Yahusha and those in the Decapolis? Where have they got to flee to? Paul the emissary speaks of the 500 brethren to whom Yahusha appeared to (after His resurrection) as a reference to these people being in Galilee. Hence, Judah has to be understood as the Tribe from which our Master Yahusha Himself sprang from with the Melchizedek Priesthood. Fleeing to the mountains is a synonym used as figurative of scattering. This is also synonymous with Rev 12:6 where the Covenant

Yisharal woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared by Alahym where she would be nourished for 1260 days. If we divide 1260/30 days, we arrive at 42 months (3.5 years). But what is the significance of 42 months?

REV 11:2 “You leave out the court which is outside the temple and do not measure it, for it has been given to the nations; and they shall trample the set-apart city for 42 months”. 

When measuring the Spiritual Temple, the Messenger told John to leave out the court outside the Temple and not measure it as it has been given to the gentiles to trample for 42 months (3.5 years). This is the same period the Covenant Yisharal is nourished in the wilderness for 1260 days (3.5 years). This wilderness journey foreshadow depicts the 42 places Yisharal encamped in their wilderness journey to the promised land i.e., the plains of Moab near Jericho, when they came out of Mitsrayim/Egypt (Numbers 33:1-49).

The 1260 days/42 months (made new) are all figurative of the wilderness journey Yisharal is in when the abomination of desolation is taking place! 

These 1260 days or 42 months can also be seen in:

1. The living creature made war with Yisharal for 42 months (Rev 13:5)

2. 42 lads were torn up by 2 bears when they were mocking Elisha and he cursed them in the Name of Yahuah, this shows a picture of the two beastly kingdoms denoted by 2 bears (one physical & one spiritual) tearing up the lads (yalad means: ones brought forth) (2 Kings 2:23-24).

In the parallel account related to the 'latter times summing up to the end' our Master said” 

LUKE 21:24 “And they shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem shall be trampled underfoot by the gentiles until the times of the gentiles are fulfilled.”

Are you supposing that the Master was speaking of literal Jerusalem or the one occupied by the adversary and his people which includes the New Testament corporate assembly? Remember, all fleeing from Judah (the Tribe they identify with from where the Master sprang from) are fleeing to the mountains surrounding Jerusalem figuratively, i.e. the wilderness where we are seeing the Covenant Yisharal woman is nourished for 1260 days/42 months which is the same time the Gentiles are trampling the Corporate Assembly which claim they are the New Testament Temple. 

DAN 11:31 “Forces from him shall stand, shall profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and shall remove the set sacrifice. And they shall set up the abomination of desolation. By flatteries he shall ruin evildoers against the covenant, but the people who know his El shall be strong and shall work. And those who have insight among the people shall teach to the many; yet they shall fall by sword and by flame, by captivity and by plunder for days”. 

This king has forces (as seen in Rev 9 whose names is mentioned as Abaddon in Hebrew and Apolyon in Greek) who shall stand and profane the sanctuary, removing the set sacrifice i.e. a synonym for the true sacrifice of our Master. He will replace it with the abomination of desolation (remember, the Master says in Matthew 24:15 "let the reader understand"). By the portion allotted to him (translated as flatteries) he shall ruin evildoers against the covenant.

Daniel is told (which he notes in 12:7) that the power of the set-apart people will be scattered for moed, moedim and khatsay (time, times and a half a time). 'Moaed' is the very word used for Yahuah's Sabbath and Feast Days as mentioned in Leviticus 23. We saw the 1260 days or 3.5 years or 42 months the time period where Covenant Yisharal is nourished away from the face of the dragon and the very same period where the Corporate Assemblies are overrun by 'the abomination of desolation'. The truthful testimony (Torah & the Prophets) is killed after these symbolic 1260 days by Satan denoted by the king over the abyss/bottomless pit (as translated elsewhere) who is loosed for the 'little season'. The moaed, moaedim and khatsay comes to an end.

REV 11:3 “And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth”.

REV 11:7 “And when they have finished their witness, the living creature that comes up out of the abyss shall make war with them, and shall overcome them and kill them”.

REV 12:5  “And she bore a male child who was to shepherd all nations with a rod of iron. And her child was caught away to Alahim and to His throne. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by Alahim, to be nourished there one thousand two hundred and sixty days”. 

REV 12:13-16 “And it came to pass when the dragon saw that he was thrown down to the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the male child. But the two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman, to fly into the wilderness to her place, that she was nourished there for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent. And the serpent spewed a river of water from his mouth after the woman, to be carried away with the river. But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and drank up the river which the dragon spewed out of his mouth”.  

If you notice in Revelation 12:6 its mentioned that Covenant Yisharal after delivering the man-child fled into the wilderness where she is nourished for 1260 days (Rev 12:5-6). This confinement shows that she is nourished when Satan was tied to the 1,000 years. And the other time, times and dividing of time which again is 1260  (Rev 12:14) is actually the same period because the man-child who is Yahusha, is the center point for the Old Testament believers and New Testament believers, because all TRANSITION to Him. The war in heavens with Michael stated in Rev 12:7 (Michael  means 'who is as Alahym' and is figurative of Messiah Himself) shows Satan is cast out of the heavenly pattern and finds no place in his desire to get into the New Creation Order and he again tries to persecute the woman in the wilderness but she is given wings of a great eagle, the water he spews out of his mouth is figurative of the false besorahs (message/good news) to bring her back into his confined place, but the earth (carnal people) help her as they drink those spewed waters. When we see Rev 11:3, the Two Witnesses prophesying for 1260 days, (they are the Torah and the Prophets) and during their testimony, Satan was restrained from overrunning the Assembly, even though his plantations were within the kingdom which we saw in the parables of wheat and tares, wise and foolish virgins, birds in the branches, leaven in 3 measures of meal etc.

REV 11:8  “And their dead bodies lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called ‘Sodom and Egypt, where also our Master was impaled, and some of the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations see their dead bodies for three and a half days (YEARS) and not allow their dead bodies to be placed into tombs”.  (42 months = 3.5 years)

This indicates the carnal Jersusalem (when the truthful testimony is killed) and the dead bodies (the elect still being in the Corporate Assembly being silenced until they hear the voice "Come up here!' which is to be understood that we run to the Heavenly Pattern, to be under the shadow of the wings of Messiah. The language is parabolic and in signification, it would be grave error to take it literally being taken to Heaven because the third woe is yet to come it says and we are right here on earth until the consummation, there is no pre-trib or mid-trib rapture.

Hence, all this is tying up and woven to understand Satan's loosening is his attempt to gain ground within the New Creation Order, and while he is given ground in the Corporate Assembly in this world, he has no ground in those who are in the New Creation Order. All the elect (chosen) in the Corporate Assembly flee as they see Mystery Babylon sitting within. (Remember Zechariah 5 the woman termed as wickedness was sitting inside the ephah). Those outside in the field or housetop do not enter the house to create a New Assembly. The house is the carcass or dead body and the signs of times tells us, its delivered to satan for this little season.

MATT 24:17 “And whoever is on the housetop must not return to get anything from his house. And let him who is in the field not turn back to carry away his garment.”

Housetop and Field is a place of being in the world preaching the 'BESORAH (GOOD NEWS)'. Housetop is a place of announcement, not being afraid of being killed. Remember 'geyhinnom' was the valley where the carcasses of the beasts sacrificed were burnt where their worm doesn't die out and neither the fire. The house is the assembly where the one on the housetop and in the field are commanded not to enter it. And it's because the house referring to an Assembly is given over to Satan as his portion. The word House (beyt) is also the body. We transition from a dead carcass to the Living Alahym in His body which rose from the dead and He is alive forevermore. We who have fled to Yahusha for refuge under His wings are nourished away from the face of the dragon for time, times and dividing of time/1260 days/42 months/3.5 years where the entire Shemitah denoted by the word 'moaed' for 'appointed times' are handed over to Satan to scatter the power of the set-apart people. We need to be discerning of the signs of times!

The parables:

The parable of the wise and foolish virgins is uniquely placed among other parables in Matthew 25 in the Olivet discourse (a continuation of the events Yahusha spoke of in Matthew 24) to show the kingdom of Heaven has a mixed-multitude of the spiritual as well as the fleshly and only towards the end the separation happens. Following this parable is the parable of the talents and the separation of sheep and goats which show that the end is near and the separation of what was mixed as stated in the parables in Matthew Chapter 13 are being separated. Matthew 13 shows us a series of parables where the enemy came and mixed his people in the reign of the Heaven. Examples: parables of the seed sown, parable of wheat and tares, parable of the mustard seed where the fowls of the air (unclean birds) made nests in the branch of the huge tree, woman mixing leaven in three measures of fine flour, parable of the net where the good and bad fish came together. Hence, Matthew 25 is in the Olivet discourse showing the separation of what the enemy sowed in the reign of the Heaven.

Matt 24:19 “Woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing children in those days!”

LAMENTATIONS 4:4 ”The tongue of the infant cleaves to the roof of its mouth because of thirst; the little ones ask for bread, but no one breaks it for them”.

The condition of the babies held in the womb (getting its nourishment) and nursing infants feeding on milk and growing children asking for bread is a picture of being overrun with a famine of the Word of Yahuah. The womb holds the baby where the baby receives the nourishment being in the blood and water of the womb, but woe to those having a baby in the womb and those who are nursing babies in those days. Babies have no knowledge of good and evil, they do not discern between right and wrong and those instructing them have to teach them the basic elementary and foundational principles of morality and bring up the children in the nourishment and admonishment of who Yahusha is. There would be woe to those who are saying they are part of mother Jerusalem (an assembly i.e. a corporate body) if she holds these nursing babies in her because her deliverance would be in child-bearing and this child-bearing is of Messiah-likeness which she is not able to attain. So if the woman herself would be in deception, how would she admonish her babies in the way of Yahusha?


If you are looking for a supernatural experience in an Assembly, you are mistaken as there will not be a revival but a falling away FIRST:

2 THESS 2:3 “Let no man in any way deceive you, for it shall not come unless the falling away is to come first, and the man of lawlessness is to be revealed, the son of destruction”. 

MATT 24:20 “But pray that your flight shall not be in the harvest, or in the Sabbath. For then there shall be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever.”

Yahusha warned to pray that his peoples flight (fleeing) be not in the harvest or in the Sabbath or else there would be a great tribulation such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall be.  Yahusha says to pray that this flight from the Abomination of Desolation be not in a time when Judah is in a season of transition during harvest time, a time for Blasphemy/Reproach. Turning to Messiah we are in a journey of transition from the fleshly ordinances to a realization of spiritual fulfillment in Messiah and Yahusha says to pray that this doesn’t happen during the winter/harvest or else there will be great affliction as has never been before. Unless these days would have been shortened there would be no flesh who would have been saved but for the elect sake Yahuah shortened these days. This shows the Sabbath to be a transition completed as there will be no more time-keepers as the physical day fully transitions to in Messiah who is the Day Star, Star of Jacob, Bright and Morning star. Yisharal after winter enters spring when Passover comes. Those in transition would find Messiah as the Passover lamb as Paul states in 1 Cor 5: 7-8 :

1 COR 5:7  “Therefore cleanse out the old leaven, so that you are a new lump, as you are unleavened. For also Messiah our Passover was slaughtered for us. So then let’s celebrate the festival, not with old leaven of evil and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth”. 

And, Messiah at Passover said that He will not eat bread or drink the fruit of the vine again until the kingdom of Ha Shamayim comes. He was pointing us to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!

ROM 8:19 “For the intense longing of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of Alahim”.

The true sons of Alahym will be revealed in the separation and only the Signs of Times discerned from Torah will tell us when this separation takes place.

The ten maidens took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. The Hebrew word for maiden is 'almah’ which has the root meaning 'hidden/conceal/secret thing, to veil from sight, that is, conceal.And the same word 'alam means ancient/of old/everlasting/remote time - that is, the future or past indefinitely; often adverbially forever. The number ten is a complete number (ten virgins) and five is number for Torah (five books of the Torah) which has both the blessings and the curses, blessings to those who discern the Torah of life and their five senses renewed to discern spiritual things while the fleshly don't have the ability to discern their five senses and are occupied in the fleshly appeasements. 

MATT 24:28 “For where there is a corpse, there the vultures shall gather.”

The dead corpse is the Assembly run over by the false Besorahs of Satan as he is given this over for the little season. This won't make sense unless you understand why Satan disputed the 'body of Moses' with Michael the archangel. Those departed from Christianity form an Assembly to have in them wheat and tares, wise and foolish virgins, fowls nesting in the branches, leaven in the 3 measures of meal, bad fish among the good ones and it is the harvest time where we are seeing the separation. WHAT IS LEFT BEHIND IN A PORTION IS A 'DEAD BODY OR CORPSE' AND YOU CANNOT BE IN A DEAD CORPSE WANTING TO HAVE A SUPERNATURAL EXPERIENCE !!

MATT 24:29 “But immediately after the distress of those days, the sun shall turn dark, and the moon shall not shine its light; and the stars shall fall from the heavens, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.”

The sign of the sun, moon stars:

PSALM 19:4 “Their line has gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world. In them He set up a tent for the sun, and in it the sun is like a bridegroom coming out of his man/kind of H4480 room, It rejoices like a strong man to run the path. Its rising is from one end of the heavens, and its circuit to the other end; And naught is hidden from its heat”.

The sun here is likened to a bridegroom coming out of a ‘kind of/ Hebrew: man H4480’ of his room and running it's course

MAL 4:1 “For look, the day shall come, burning like a furnace, and all the proud, and every wrongdoer shall be stubble. And the day that shall come shall burn them up,” said Yahuah of hosts, “which leaves to them neither root nor branch. But to you who fear My Name the Sun/shamash H8121 of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings. And you shall go out and be scattered/push H6335 like calves/agalay H5695 from the stall”.

The 'signs/aut' H226 were related to the firmament and show us while the physical sun is darkened and strikes those occupied in carnal observance in opposition as Torah states, our bridegroom who is like the SUN will rise with healing in his wings on us.

REV 6:12 And I looked when He opened the sixth seal and saw a great earthquake came to be. And the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood.

The sun/shamash H8121 is likened to Yahusha the bridegroom coming out of his chamber/room as a strong man rejoicing to run the path of a CIRCLE with nothing hidden from its path scorching all those outside the Covenant with burning like a furnace, burning all the proud and the wrong doer as a stubble. Verse 2 of Mal 4 says ''....And you shall go out and be scattered like calves/agal H5695 and this same word agal H5696 means 'circular/round' shows the elect of Yahusha being scattered on the circle of the earth whom he gathers under his wings by healing them.

Those outside the Covenant will be scorched with severe heat turning them to stubble as Malachi 4:1 says while the elect will be covered by the shamash/sun of righteousness with healing in his wings even though they are scattered.

The whore tells us when the good man of the house is coming:

PROV 7:19 “For my husband is not at home; He has gone on a long journey; 20 “He took a bag of silver with him; He comes home on the day of the Full moon /kasah.

Kasah also means 'covering': A primitive root; to grow fat (that is, be covered with flesh): - be covered. that is, a throne (as canopied): - seat, stool, throne.

The whore is fleshly Yisharal and as we can see from ‘kasah’ that is she full of fat flesh. They are like Hagar the Egyptian in bondage with her children. While she pin-points the time of her husband’s coming i.e. at Full Moon to cover her, she herself has gone into whoredoms of a black sun and blood moon shadows. Once these facts are realized it can be understood why the urgent call goes forth in Revelation for Yahusha’s obedient followers to “Come Out Of Babylon.”


Satan was tied to a thousand-year confinement which is a shortfall of the life entering eternity, a place allowed for him in the Corporate Assembly. Satan is tied to keep people in the carnal letter so that they do not cross over to the Spirit of Life. The little season is synonymous with the beings under the altar (elect figurative of switching the altar to spiritual) who were told to rest for the little season. The Greek word for little season 'chronos' is the same word used when the elect are comforted to rest for this 'little season' while Satan is, we already saw the rest is in the wilderness for time, times & dividing of time/1260 days/42 months/3.5 years away from the face of the dragon. When the dragon was cast out of the Heavenly Pattern (the New Creation Order) as he has no place in it, he persecutes Covenant Yisharal.

AMOS 5:19 “As if a man flees from before a lion and a bear meets him, or went into the house, and leans his hand against the wall and a snake bites him”. The Day of Yahuah (Yahusha’s Return) is a synonym used for 'a latter time summing up to the end'. It's like a man who was careful and vigilant and fled the lion (the symbol for Babylon) and fled the bear (the symbol for Medes-Persia) and went into the house and leaned his hand against the wall (found the Assembly as a safe haven) and a serpent bites him! It’s a picture of one able to flee the Babylonian captivity and the Medes-Persia captivity but he won’t be able to flee the carcass as he will be killed by the poison in it.

Yahusha likens the last days to the days of Noah, when only 8 beings were saved from the entire world!

MATT 24:40 “Then there shall be two men in the field, and one shall be gathered, and one shall be left.Two women shall be grinding at the mills, and one shall be gathered, and one shall be left.”

LUKE 17:37 “They answered and said to Him, where shall this be, Our Master? And He said to them, “Where the carcass is, there the eagles shall be gather". 

It's all about the carcass/dead body where the eagles who are birds of prey gather. It's the same eagle's wings which saves Covenant Yisharal to flee the Carcass. We saw in Rev 12 the woman was given wings of a great eagle to flee into the wilderness where she is nourished. Eagles are picture of false prophets. The 2 women grinding the millstone together is a picture of grinding the manna to make cakes of it, but the one left will be in the dead carcass with birds of prey hovering over and part of Mystery Babylon.

A hand mill and its upper grindstone represented a person’s means of life. Seizing either of these would deprive the entire family of its daily supply of bread. The one gathered is the elect and the woman left behind unable to grind is bound by her pledge to eat carnal bread and that's where the dead carcass is, the Assembly given over to Satan.


We need to be discerning to understand what is happening in the times we live in. Matthew 24 & 25 is the Olivet discourse letting us know 'latter course summing up to the end'. The signs we need to look at and discern and wait for the little season looking towards the coming of the Master Yahusha our Alahym and we are nourished away from the face of the serpent for time, times & dividing of time/1260 days/42 months/3.5 years which is a symbolic time frame for the judgement to be meted out to the Corporate Body which has become the whore Mystery Babylon, the Mother of all Harlots! There is a war of breads going on in the Corporate Body and the various parables show us how Satan slowly crept into the Assembly to bring in his tares and this is the time when the wheat and the tares are being separated. We need to look up for our redemption draws near!




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