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Consider the experiences we go through within our heart dealing with life - the highs and the lows - the emotions and feelings our heart gives us when we’re in an unstable place, or whether we’re in a joyous place. The heart is the vital organ of the body. It inculcates our whole being. Our hearts can pump the blood into every part of our body, and dominates and takes part in our every experience - from the brain to the toes.

When we consider the ear-gate, accepting thoughts, they pulsate through our bodies, creating all sorts of situations. Scripture tells us to arrest every thought and bring it into subjection to Yahusha. If the heart stops, we die and are no more. Yahusha says ‘what you let go into the heart ‘WILL’ come out of the mouth’.  The word ‘WILL’ brings us to our thoughts. As a man thinks in his heart, so will he be.

We have free-will within us to choose thoughts that are edifying to us and others. We give ourselves the reputation of our words and behaviour. If the words of our behaviour make us feel down, it is our own choice that puts us in our place. We have to give an account of our words and behaviour to our Alahim/god.

When we consider the amazing heart of Yahusha, remember He transitioned into flesh and became a new Alahim. Again, considering His heart, looking down on His Creation, consider the emotions He must go through, looking at humanity. Remember His heart is not like ours, so what do you think when you put yourself in His place, how He feels?

The heart of Yahusha does not suffer. He does not experience what we think He might. 

Remember when He looks down at humanity today, He sees total chaos, division and violence, having no emotion towards that at all. Yahusha said He knew us before the Creation. He has a plan for humanity and He knows the ones that He has chosen. They are called His Bride. They are not the ones who say they are of the chosen bloodline.

Eternity is only for the Bride He has chosen out of humanity.

He says ‘Enter in at the Narrow Gate and there are few that find it’. We are about to experience what Noah did. Yahusha assured his heart too, and He’s about to do the same thing to this world but with fire. Be assured that the heart of Yahusha is steadfast, He knows what He wants and is going to achieve His goal with those who will listen

We saw the mess the Jews were in when Yahusha came to earth and today we see the state the world is in when He is about to return. Yahusha wants us to know His plan and through the fruits of righteousness (looking at the ninth fruit: self-control) which He has given us to also make our hearts steadfast)

The heart is the Throne where Yahusha’s Spirit sits in our Temple. 

He will give us all power to overcome the other spirit that lives in our flesh so that our thought-behaviour will dominate the behaviour of our flesh.

The heart and mind are considered as one in Yahusha. It is the vital organ which keeps us alive. So once again what you let (your choice) go into your heart, your body will manifest that behaviour.

Yahusha’s focus is on His chosen Bride!



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