Brothers and Sisters
It is someone who tries to sabotage another person. Let's look at the character and behaviour of such an individual. The dictionary will describe the fullness of such behaviour.
sabotage: verb 1. deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage. "power lines from South Africa were sabotaged by rebel forces" synonyms: wreck, deliberately damage, vandalize, destroy, obstruct, disrupt, cripple, impair, incapacitate "a guerrilla group sabotaged the national electricity grid" disrupt, spoil, ruin, wreck, undermine, filibuster, impair, damage, threaten, subvert; - a spanner in the works of, muller; - a monkey wrench in the works of - "it would be very easy for me to sabotage your plans" noun: sabotage 1. the action of sabotaging something. "a coordinated campaign of sabotage" synonyms: wrecking, deliberate damage, vandalism, destruction, obstruction, disruption, crippling, impairment, incapacitation; rareecotage "the fire may have been an act of sabotage" disruption, spoiling, ruining, wrecking, undermining, filibustering, impairment, damage, subversion;"this procedure is open to sabotage by an awkward participant"
A person doing sabotage behaviour is not necessarily the saboteur, but is a lacky prompted by another, who wants their identity to remain hidden. This disgusting individual considers you as a threat to their enterprise and wants you obliterated. Brothers and Sisters if you really have something to say that Yahusha has given you, there is bound to be attacks on your status from false teachers accusing you of being a teacher of Turah. We have no desire to be teachers, we just post what Yahusha tells us. It is so encouraging to know what camp that sabotage is coming from. The encouragement comes in the form of joy to know that what Yahusha has given us to say, has been so very effective.
By Chris Hilton . . .