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What is a Christian?

WHO OR WHAT ARE CHRISTIANS? Without knowing it, Christians are followers of a Greco-Roman culture of names, terms, and festivals, all adopted intact from Pagan sources, yet adapted or mixed carefully with ideas and people from the Hebrew Scriptures.

The mixing together of practices and beliefs is called syncretism. These heresies began through the teachings of Simon Magus, and eventually became the institution known as Roman Catholicism. The Great Schism produced the Eastern Orthodox Catholicism, and later the Reformation in the 16th century further fragmented the movement; but much error remained from the adherence to the early "church fathers" and their writings. These "church fathers" persecuted and despised the first followers of Yahusha, the Natsarim, and wrote about us. They considered us "heretics" because we obey the Torah.

Every detail of Scriptural observance was omitted by the "church fathers", and replaced with new observances. With skillfully crafted reasoning over many centuries, the formerly Pagan observances were camouflaged or wrapped in new meanings.


Sacraments - Yahuah never commanded them, hinted at them indirectly, or mentioned any such thing. They add to the Torah, against Dt. 12.

Sun-day - the Day of the Sun. Many other "strange festivals" were invented, all being adaptations from former sun worship.

Easter Day - the Pagan festival of the impregnation of Mother Earth by the rays of the springtime sun. Ishtar, Ostara, Astarte, Eostre, Asherah, Eastron, Ashtaroth, and other names were used for this Pagan deity. It became adopted to refer to Yahusha’s day of resurrection.

Easter is the proper name of the Pagan Queen of heaven.

(Google the words: Ashtaroth, Easter)

Christmas - The winter solstice festival, commemorated as the nativity of the sun, re-thought by Dionysius Exiguus in 525 CE, now promoted as the birthday of the Messiah of Israel. Wreaths (wombs), trees (phalluses), tinsel (semen) and balls (testes) were used to observe the sexual aspects of this Pagan ritual. The tree was an altar where offerings were placed for the deity (Asherah).

The womb wreaths represented Baal, and the phallus trees represented Asherah. This is a practice inherited from the ancient Canaanites, specifically Jezebel.

By Lew White . . .

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