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The Tree of Life.

Reading from the BYNV in 2 Korinthians 5:19 "Yahuah was in Mashiak restoring the world to favor to Himself, not reckoning their trespasses to them. And has committed to us the word of restoration to favor". This verse says a lot and you can read around it for much more context. Today we will be focusing only on the first sentence. That is that "YAHUAH WAS IN MASHIAK" restoring the world to favor to himself. Again coming in with a fine magnifying glass upon this sentence we see written "YAHUAH WAS IN YAHUSHA" (Mashiak meaning Yahusha). This is saying to us that Yahuah is virtually Yahusha, what a mind blowing statement from Scripture. Of course we know and believe that Yahuah can do anything He wants because He is almighty. Brothers and Sisters do you believe that Yahuah is Yahusha, as the Scripture says?

There are many stories about "The Tree of Life," but what is revealed in Turah is a mind experience. You can actually do a trace back from the first time it was mentioned until its last time in. We are told that the Turah is the Tree of Life and that the Tree of Life if you eat from it, will give you eternal life.

Revelation 2:7 says "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Ruach says to the assemblies. To him that overcomes I shall give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of Yahuah".

Did you notice that Brothers and Sisters "HE WHO OVERCOMES?" Well now boys, what does this mean exactly to you? Would you say that we have to prove something to Yahuah by our behaviour? From what we were to what He wants from us? I THINK SO BOYS.

Gal 5:22-23 explains that the fruits of the tree of life are the behaviour Yahusha expects of us in today. Of course you know that religion has a false example of the fruits. But what is done in genuine love is a vast difference in behaviour outcome. One is bondage and one is freedom.

I would like to mention that if there is anything in this life or world that you prize over Turah instruction then this is what you need to overcome, so that you can partake of the tree of life.

The tree of life is the Turah, the fruits of the tree are specific behaviours we need to adopt to please Him as he showed us. The word is actually Yahusha who is Yahuah and by His Spirit (the RUACH) we will receive the mind of Yahusha to give us the power to overcome the desires of this world. Yahusha within is the full power to overcome sin and the temptations of this world. Really Brothers and Sisters this is planned and prepared for us.

By Chris Hilton . . .


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