Brothers and Sisters there are two things we must do to receive the "Ruach" (spirit) of Yahusha within us. This will give us entrance into the Body and Bride of Yahusha. If we remain obedient to the covenant, we will be blessed, protected and eventually receive Eternal Life to live with our Master and Deliverer in the New Yerushalayim -that incredible city described in Rev 22. Scripture says eye has not seen the things that Yahusha has prepared for those that love Him. This world is amazing and it is the thing that we must deny and overcome to please Him Who has called us . . .
REPENT and BE IMMERSED into the Name of Yahusha Messiah for the forgiveness of our sins. THIS IS THE DOORWAY into the Reign of Yahusha Messiah.
Yahusha said take my yoke upon you for my burden is light. Life and things are so much easier with Yahusha. If you feel you want to be right with the Master Deliverer and Creator you can do these TWO THINGS in any body of water, if you are genuine. Yahusha will receive all genuine applicants.
The excellent thing is that religion can play NO PART of your being filled with the glorious spirit of Yahusha. These TWO THINGS are not religious and in their purest form with your genuineness, cannot ever be discredited.
By Chris Hilton . . .