Christopher HiltonApr 15, 2021WHAT ACCEPTING HABITUAL BEHAVIOURS, WILL DO TO YOUBelow we have an explanation from the Hebrew word "Temptation," which tells us that it is a "Testing of Men," either Judicial, or from...
Christopher HiltonApr 15, 2021WHAT IS YAHUDIWhat does YahudI mean? mn. Jew countable noun. A Jew is a person who believes in and practises the religion of Judaism. /yahudi, yahUdI,...
Christopher HiltonApr 14, 2021TEMPTATIONHEBREW UNDERSTANDING: Result of search for "temptation": 4531 maccah mas-saw' from 5254; a testing, of men (judicial) or of YAHUSHA...
Christopher HiltonApr 12, 2021TEACHERHEBREW UNDERSTANDING: Result of search for "teacher": 3887 luwts loots a primitive root; properly, to make mouths at, i.e. to scoff;...
Christopher HiltonApr 8, 2021REVELATIONThe difference is in Revelation, Yahusha says constantly, "HE THAT OVERCOMES WILL RECEIVE THIS AND THAT." When we overcome this world the...